Walking is great exercise and one of my favorite spots to walk is on 5th Avenue in New York City! I took a couple of days off from my routine in Boston to see some spots in New York City. I will tell you more about my trip in later posts but for this one I am focusing on the window displays of the jewelry stores I passed. I was expecting several Valentine’s Day displays since the holiday is this week and a big holiday for jewelry sales. When I was researching for this post, I was going to name a winner like I had in past posts on window displays. I can still name a winner and that is the Tiffany Valentine window display. The only issue is there wasn’t any real competition.
I want to share a few photos from the Tiffany Valentine window display and the few Valentine window displays I saw for the jewelry stores I passed. Afterwards I will see what this means in terms of trends and what you can expect next.
Tiffany Display
The theme seems to be around the marketing idea of #LoveTiffanyandCo with the shades of red and pink used in most Valentine’s Day window displays. I like the paint props to incorporate a few more colors within that group. Below are a few shots of the full window and some close ups of the jewelry.

The displays above are nice, not a major wow factor but get the theme of Valentine’s Day gifts from Tiffany & Co across. Now we will look at a few other store displays
Other Jewelry Displays with Valentine Products
I am listing these displays as showing some pieces but are not displays with a Valentine’s Day theme.
There were some windows with a few heart shaped jewelry pieces like these diamond micropave hearts in rose or white gold from De Beers in the photo below. The De Beers site also has a Valentine’s Day section where I found these pieces if you click here.

There were also the displays with red hued jewelry like the rubies displayed in one window of Graff Diamonds.

Then you had a small mention of Valentine’s Day with a special edition piece like the one at Breguet. The window had one special edition watch for Valentine’s Day.

You might be wondering if the jewelry window displays on 5th had any theme? Many did not. There were some with some nice displays of a holiday but not of Valentine’s Day. The jewelry stores on 5th that had themed window displays, not including the Tiffany Valentine window display, were of the Chinese New Year!
Two New Years in the Same Year
The next post I plan on having will look at the Chinese New Year from the Jewelry Industry perspective. Tourism of the Chinese has been down in the US and I wonder what the window display strategy is of some of these jewelry houses. Thank you for reading and please comment if you find this post interesting or you have an opinion of Chinese spending and tourism in the US!
If you’d like to learn more about Tiffany window displays check out my past post on the book Windows at Tiffany.
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